Okay so I'm going to get a little personal right now.
It's something that we are all familiar with. It's talked about a lot in the media. But what is the personal face of PTSD?
There are so many different degrees of PTSD. There are those that can no longer function in society. Their minds cannot contain the things they saw and heard while they were at war. Then there are those that slowly draw away from family. Those that change but not enough for society to force them to seek help. They change just enough to still function in society but have a hard time functioning at home, with the family. There are those who when their fight is over, don't know how to be a spouse or a parent anymore. They are so bothered by the things they did and saw that they retreat into themselves. They find something to hide themselves behind. This is the most common face of PTSD.
Marital problems, problems relating to other people, distrust, paranoia. These are the things that are very prevalent in my life today.
My husband left for the first deployment and granted we were having problems but he always had such a good heart. That's why I married him. Even though I was not saved at the time, I knew that he had a servants heart. Now, 3 deployments later, his heart has hardened towards people and to some extent me.
Its hard to deal with PTSD. Its hard to deal with the changes that come with it. PTSD has a lot to do with the short life span of marriages in the military today. Husbands and wives just don't know how to relate to each other anymore. Its a hard thing to deal with everyday. Its a hard thing to keep fighting against and some days, you just want to give up and call it quits. Its hard. I cant tell you if the outcome is worth all the heart ache. I'm still in the midst of it. I can say that when things are good they are really good, but those days seem to be fewer and farther between then I'd like.
The hardest part about dealing with a loved one with PTSD, is that a lot of times, they don't want to seek help. They live in denial that they are even suffering from it. Plus there is a stigma to go along with having PTSD on your record. The Army says that the don't want to treat soldiers differently, that they want to encourage them to seek help. Yes, they encourage them to seek help but yes they also still treat them differently. Having PTSD on your record can also keep you from some civilian sector jobs when you get out. The law enforcement departments, tend to shy away from hiring someone with PTSD on their record.
PTSD is challenging. The sad thing is though, that if your spouse doesn't want to seek help, there isn't much that you can do about it. I am a control freak. I like to know when, why and how and PTSD is not like that. The only thing you can do is try to love your spouse through it all. Its hard. Things can be hard. But that's all you can do. That's the only thing that is in your control. You cant control their actions or if they choose to seek help, you can only control yourself.
That's something I have to remind myself of everyday.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Veteran's Day!
To all those who serve and have served. To all those who have defended our country against foreign aggressors. To all those families who have lost a loved one, I salute you this day.
Thank You for your service and your sacrifice.
It takes a strong person to be a military spouse. I salute those Veterans today that have honorably served and are serving our country but most of all, I salute the wifes, husbands, children, parents, siblings of those who serve. You are their strength. You are what they fight for. Veterans Day is just as much for you as it is for our fighting men and women.
Okay now that I have made myself cry... Here is a video to uplift your mood
I hope you enjoy! It's a video that my husbands roommate made during this past deployment. DUSTOFF!! The hardest working guys in the Army.
Again, I'm allowed to be biased! A MEDEVAC wife for 8 years! HOOAH!
Thank You for your service and your sacrifice.
It takes a strong person to be a military spouse. I salute those Veterans today that have honorably served and are serving our country but most of all, I salute the wifes, husbands, children, parents, siblings of those who serve. You are their strength. You are what they fight for. Veterans Day is just as much for you as it is for our fighting men and women.
Okay now that I have made myself cry... Here is a video to uplift your mood
I hope you enjoy! It's a video that my husbands roommate made during this past deployment. DUSTOFF!! The hardest working guys in the Army.
Again, I'm allowed to be biased! A MEDEVAC wife for 8 years! HOOAH!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Vote for Connie Masotti!!!
Okay so I know that some of you are thinking... Who is Connie Masotti and why should I vote for her?
Well Connie Masotti is the Military Ministry Team Leader at my church. I LOVE CONNIE!!! Shes a great person with a helping spirit. She is nominated for Army Military Spouse of the Year for 2009.
You can go to the site and read about her.
Shes so active in the military community here in Colorado Springs, I don't know of anyone better to be nominated for this. Granted, I am biased. Granted, I didnt read the other bios. But I can be biased. So there! ;)
If you want to vote please go to http://msoy.milspouse.com/
You have to register for an account to vote and you can only vote once every 8 hours.
Well Connie Masotti is the Military Ministry Team Leader at my church. I LOVE CONNIE!!! Shes a great person with a helping spirit. She is nominated for Army Military Spouse of the Year for 2009.
You can go to the site and read about her.
Shes so active in the military community here in Colorado Springs, I don't know of anyone better to be nominated for this. Granted, I am biased. Granted, I didnt read the other bios. But I can be biased. So there! ;)
If you want to vote please go to http://msoy.milspouse.com/
You have to register for an account to vote and you can only vote once every 8 hours.
Golden Corrals Military Appreciation Night
I took this information off of Golden Corrals Website

Military Appreciation Monday
The 2008 Military Appreciation Monday dinner will be held on Monday, November 17, 2008 from 5 pm to 9 pm in all Golden Corral Restaurants.The free “thank you” dinner is available to any person who has ever served in the United States Military. If you are a veteran, retired, currently serving, in the National Guard or Reserves, you are invited to participate in Golden Corral’s Military Appreciation Monday dinner.To date, Golden Corral restaurants have provided over 1.8 million free meals and contributed over $2.53 million to the Disabled American Veterans organization.
So go get your free dinner already. :)
Budget Friendly Meals
Good morning everyone!
So anyone who knows me, knows that I love a deal. Its no different when it comes to shopping for groceries. I am kinda crazy in that I remember prices of certain items at certain stores. I also scour the sale ads every Tuesday and I get really excited when I find those fabulous 10 for 10 sales and just forget about it when I have a coupon, I am over the moon! Just an FYI, Albertsons has 1/2 gal milks on sale 10 for $10 this week. I have to remember to get over there tomorrow to get some before the sale ends.
Okay so yes, I have a problem with bargain shopping. I own it, I accept it, and I'm okay with it. But I know that there are families out there that struggle with planning budget friendly meals. You can only make your BAS stretch so far right? Well here are some links and ideas to help you with budget friendly meal planning.
From the blog "A Year of CrockPotting."
A Year of CrockPotting: Save Money By Using Your CrockPot Slow Cooker
I really like this blog. I just love that she has the resolve to use her crock pot everyday. I just used it the other day to make her french toast recipe...YUMMY!
She also posted a new one this morning about making granola in the crock pot!
Dining on a Dime/Living on a Dime
Living on a Dime
Tawra Kellam and Jill Cooper are awesome. Their site not only includes budget recipes but also advice on finances. Their recipes are not just for meals but also cleaning supplies and beauty products. I cannot express enough how much I love their cookbook "Dining on a Dime", its my go to book for budget friendly meals.
While you are visiting their website, sign up for their enewsletter. Its a fabulous resource with TONS of great ideas and resources.
Frugal Living
Frugal Living at About.com
This is another one that I have a free enewsletter subscription to. Just like "Living on a Dime", she not only has recipes but budget and finance advice. She also talks about eating organically on a budget. If that's something that floats your boat, definitely check her out. Her weekly budget for 4 people is $40.00 and that is mostly eating organic. Crazy right!
$5 Dollar Dinners
Erin at $5 Dollar Dinners
This one is just as crazy as me when it comes to finding a deal. She not only details her recipes and how much each ingredient costs but she also details her grocery shopping trips. I really like this approach to meal planning. She stays within her budget and helps to detail how we can do the same.
Please take a look at these blogs and websites. I will start posting my own budget friendly meals when I get a chance to. It just takes a while to actually sit down and write them out. Plus I'd like to get all P-Dub on you (the pioneer woman at http://www.thepioneerwoman.com/) and get some pictures up of my recipes. Lofty goal, I know but I'm going to try.
So anyone who knows me, knows that I love a deal. Its no different when it comes to shopping for groceries. I am kinda crazy in that I remember prices of certain items at certain stores. I also scour the sale ads every Tuesday and I get really excited when I find those fabulous 10 for 10 sales and just forget about it when I have a coupon, I am over the moon! Just an FYI, Albertsons has 1/2 gal milks on sale 10 for $10 this week. I have to remember to get over there tomorrow to get some before the sale ends.
Okay so yes, I have a problem with bargain shopping. I own it, I accept it, and I'm okay with it. But I know that there are families out there that struggle with planning budget friendly meals. You can only make your BAS stretch so far right? Well here are some links and ideas to help you with budget friendly meal planning.
From the blog "A Year of CrockPotting."
A Year of CrockPotting: Save Money By Using Your CrockPot Slow Cooker
I really like this blog. I just love that she has the resolve to use her crock pot everyday. I just used it the other day to make her french toast recipe...YUMMY!
She also posted a new one this morning about making granola in the crock pot!
Dining on a Dime/Living on a Dime
Living on a Dime
Tawra Kellam and Jill Cooper are awesome. Their site not only includes budget recipes but also advice on finances. Their recipes are not just for meals but also cleaning supplies and beauty products. I cannot express enough how much I love their cookbook "Dining on a Dime", its my go to book for budget friendly meals.
While you are visiting their website, sign up for their enewsletter. Its a fabulous resource with TONS of great ideas and resources.
Frugal Living
Frugal Living at About.com
This is another one that I have a free enewsletter subscription to. Just like "Living on a Dime", she not only has recipes but budget and finance advice. She also talks about eating organically on a budget. If that's something that floats your boat, definitely check her out. Her weekly budget for 4 people is $40.00 and that is mostly eating organic. Crazy right!
$5 Dollar Dinners
Erin at $5 Dollar Dinners
This one is just as crazy as me when it comes to finding a deal. She not only details her recipes and how much each ingredient costs but she also details her grocery shopping trips. I really like this approach to meal planning. She stays within her budget and helps to detail how we can do the same.
Please take a look at these blogs and websites. I will start posting my own budget friendly meals when I get a chance to. It just takes a while to actually sit down and write them out. Plus I'd like to get all P-Dub on you (the pioneer woman at http://www.thepioneerwoman.com/) and get some pictures up of my recipes. Lofty goal, I know but I'm going to try.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Places that offer Military Discounts
So I'll post these as I find them. If you know of one, please let me know. Here is a list of places to start with.
Popeyes Chicken on 85/87 near Fountain Walmart
I think it's 10% off your order
Carls Jrs in the Fountain Mesa Shopping Center
It's a 10% discount. The nicely lady at the drive thru told me that there are other Carls Jrs in Colorado Springs that have a military discount, you just have to ask.
An Nam Restaurant
10% discount for dine in on Mondays
Souper Salad
10% discount, children 4 and under eat free!!!
Monroe's West Southern Style Hot Dogs
I think its 10% (it may be 15%), they offer this discount to all Active Duty Military, Police, Firefighters, Reservists and former military. And might I say, their hot dogs are uber yummy!
Thanks to anonymous, here are a couple more...
Carls Jrs at Powers and Stetson Hills
10% off
Panda Express
10% off, I am just salivating at the thought of their Orange Chicken.
Schlotzsky's Deli
10% discount. If you go there you MUST have the BBQ Chicken Pizza (add some pepperoni to that and you will be in HEAVEN!!)
I think its 10%, it could be 15% though on all purchases on Tuesdays with ID. My girls are mostly outfitted with clothes from Goodwill and you would never know! I like to shop at the one off of Kelly Johnson by Chapel Hills mall. A tipster told me that they send all the "good stuff" to that one and boy were they right!!!!
Arc Thrift Stores
I think its 10% off on all purchases on Wednesdays with ID
Payless Shoes
Its been a while since I purchased anything from there but they used to give a 10% discount to Active Duty military on all non-sale items.
Walgreens on Fountain Mesa Rd
I would ask if others do this but the Walgreens in Fountain gives a 15% discount to military on Tuesdays on ANY purchase, even sale items! The catch is that you have to check out at the cosmetics counter.
Rental Cars
If you have USAA insurance, you can call them for coupon codes for car rentals.
Enterprise rental car recently told me that they offer a military discount. They didnt say how much it was though.
If you find anymore please let me know! If you go to these places and they tell you that they don't offer a military discount, please let me know that as well!
Popeyes Chicken on 85/87 near Fountain Walmart
I think it's 10% off your order
Carls Jrs in the Fountain Mesa Shopping Center
It's a 10% discount. The nicely lady at the drive thru told me that there are other Carls Jrs in Colorado Springs that have a military discount, you just have to ask.
An Nam Restaurant
10% discount for dine in on Mondays
Souper Salad
10% discount, children 4 and under eat free!!!
Monroe's West Southern Style Hot Dogs
I think its 10% (it may be 15%), they offer this discount to all Active Duty Military, Police, Firefighters, Reservists and former military. And might I say, their hot dogs are uber yummy!
Thanks to anonymous, here are a couple more...
Carls Jrs at Powers and Stetson Hills
10% off
Panda Express
10% off, I am just salivating at the thought of their Orange Chicken.
Schlotzsky's Deli
10% discount. If you go there you MUST have the BBQ Chicken Pizza (add some pepperoni to that and you will be in HEAVEN!!)
I think its 10%, it could be 15% though on all purchases on Tuesdays with ID. My girls are mostly outfitted with clothes from Goodwill and you would never know! I like to shop at the one off of Kelly Johnson by Chapel Hills mall. A tipster told me that they send all the "good stuff" to that one and boy were they right!!!!
Arc Thrift Stores
I think its 10% off on all purchases on Wednesdays with ID
Payless Shoes
Its been a while since I purchased anything from there but they used to give a 10% discount to Active Duty military on all non-sale items.
Walgreens on Fountain Mesa Rd
I would ask if others do this but the Walgreens in Fountain gives a 15% discount to military on Tuesdays on ANY purchase, even sale items! The catch is that you have to check out at the cosmetics counter.
Rental Cars
If you have USAA insurance, you can call them for coupon codes for car rentals.
Enterprise rental car recently told me that they offer a military discount. They didnt say how much it was though.
If you find anymore please let me know! If you go to these places and they tell you that they don't offer a military discount, please let me know that as well!
Are you looking for a house?
If you are looking for a place to live when you get here to Colorado Springs and you absolutely DON'T want to live on post/base, then check out these companies. I know the owners and I know that you will not only be happy with their service but the houses they have available as well.
Candy and Mike Jackson at Nearly Creative Homes, LLC
Lindsey and Herberth Aparicio Aparicio Home Investments, LLC
I know for a fact that they both have houses available right now and they are great people to rent from. However, mostly they do deal with rent-to-own homes so if you know that you want to settle here in Colorado, both of these companies would be great options for you.
Candy and Mike Jackson at Nearly Creative Homes, LLC
Lindsey and Herberth Aparicio Aparicio Home Investments, LLC
I know for a fact that they both have houses available right now and they are great people to rent from. However, mostly they do deal with rent-to-own homes so if you know that you want to settle here in Colorado, both of these companies would be great options for you.
Hello and Welcome!
This blog is to help those who are military here in Colorado Springs and military who are relocating here to Colorado Springs.
I hope that you find some of the information I have here useful.
I will be posting things such as military discounts, resources around town, recommendations for various types of services (ie automotive, restaurants, doctors, etc). I'll even post some money saving tips and recipes and some of my personal experiences and opinions.
Please check back with me often and let me know what you think.
Just a bit of background about me...
My name is Kristi and my husband and I PCSed here in 2002. I have survived 3 deployments and 2 pregnancies since we have lived here in Colorado Springs. My husband has recently ETSed but we have chosen to stay here in Colorado. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post a comment.
This blog is to help those who are military here in Colorado Springs and military who are relocating here to Colorado Springs.
I hope that you find some of the information I have here useful.
I will be posting things such as military discounts, resources around town, recommendations for various types of services (ie automotive, restaurants, doctors, etc). I'll even post some money saving tips and recipes and some of my personal experiences and opinions.
Please check back with me often and let me know what you think.
Just a bit of background about me...
My name is Kristi and my husband and I PCSed here in 2002. I have survived 3 deployments and 2 pregnancies since we have lived here in Colorado Springs. My husband has recently ETSed but we have chosen to stay here in Colorado. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post a comment.
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